Well, I turned the big 3-0 today. Just another day to me for the most part. I went out to eat lunch with my best friend in the world, Crystal #2. We ate at a local resturaunt during her lunch break. We had a piece of blueberry cheesecake as my cake. Had a nice girl talk session. Afterwards I went and got my nails done. Then me, Chris and the kids rode to Virginia Beach and let the kids play at a park for a bit. Then we just rode until it was time for dinner. We ate dinner then I went to ride around with Cheyenne until she fell asleep. I then spent the last half hour of my birthday with the one person I wanted to spend the day with. Well, that was my big birthday.
I did get two early (and I mean early) morning texts wishing me happy birthday. One was my friend, Ashley and the other was the aforementioned special person. My own mother never called me. What a b*tch!!!
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