Friday, November 13, 2009

Mommy Moments -- Sporty Day

mommy moments

This week's theme in Mommy Moments is Sporty. So, in honor of that, here are my 2 oldest daughters doing what they love best -- playing in the pool! This was in September 2009 when we took a weekend trip to Slidell, LA. Pools also have a large influence on why Tina and Carly wanted to live in Louisiana - Pools are open much longer, in fact almost year round!


This is my second 2, the 4 year old twins Caitlyn and Charlotte also swimming. This was during the summer of 2007 so they weren't yet 2. They loved to get in these little floaties and just float around.


1 comment:

Chris said...

thanks for joining us :) swimming is a favorite this week!